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Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First - Episode 298/12 Steps To Living A Happy Life!

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 298

Title:          12 Steps To Living  A Happy Life! 


Take the time to do this one very important and crucial exercise.

What do you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?
Don't just think about it or talk about it, write it down! 
Studies have shown that the simple act of taking the time to write out your goals will dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving those goals! 

So write, write, write! 

It's time to let go of the past (just leave it behind).
Let's face it, you can't change the past.
In fact, the past doesn't even exist anymore.
The only place it exists is in your mind. 
Let it go.

Learn the lessons, look for the silver-linings, and be grateful for what "is" today and what will be tomorrow..
.oooooohhhhh great things are waiting for you (if you are willing to "receive" them).
It's just hard to "receive" the new great stuff when you're holding on to the negative bad stuff from the past. 
LET GO and move on. It's time. 

Are you holding on to any resentment, anger or regret toward someone? It's time to forgive, and again, let go. 
The only person you hurt when you don't forgive, is yourself. 

Don't let anyone rent space in your head. 
Who knows why people do what they do or say what they say (sometimes they don't even know themselves).

Stop trying to analyze it and make it mean something it doesn't. That's just wasted energy. Just forgive and move on. Be the bigger person. 
Sometimes, we need to forgive ourselves for something we've done or said; if that's the case, forgive yourself and move on. No one's perfect.
We all make mistakes and have done and said things we are not proud of - let it go (as per #2 above) and forgive yourself. 
Today is a new day. Choose to be the best person you can be, 

starting this day forward. 

Don't follow the "crowd".
Most people are unhappy with their lives (according to studies).
Be courageous and follow the path to your dream life (not your neighbors dream life, your parents' dream life or society's dream life)...this is YOUR life.
YOU are in charge of your life, no one else is (unless you allow them to be). 

Because the "journey" is your life!
Sometimes we focus so much on the end result or the "goal" we wish to achieve, that we are not even enjoying the journey it takes to get there.
If you're really hating the journey, then maybe it's time to make some changes in your life and/or your goal. 

Most people are afraid to try something new because they are afraid to fail.
Remember, the most successful people on this planet failed way more than the "average" person.
In fact, if you ask any successful person, they'll tell you how they failed A LOT! 
Why did they become successful? Because, they never gave up.

Don't ever let the fear of "failure" get in the way of living your dreams.

If you fail, simply get back up, brush yourself off, learn the lessons you need to learn (that's important), adjust your path and move forward...always move forward. 

You only have this one body. Remember, if you get sick, you can't trade it in for a new one. 
What you do to your body today has a huge impact on how long you live and the quality of life you will lead in the future.

Don't wait until it's too late. Start now. 

The words you use when you communicate with others, reflects your thoughts on the inside. 
What you most often think about, you become. 
Don't get caught up in negative conversations or gossip with others. 

In fact, stay away from negative people altogether.
They are "energy drainers".
They do not elevate you or your life.
Remember, negativity is contagious and toxic -- stay away from it. It will be difficult to manifest great things in your life being exposed to that negative energy. 
Like Oprah says, "Be responsible for the energy you bring into a room." 

Surround yourself with positive, highly evolved, loving people who elevate you. 
Make it a priority that you will hang out with great, positive and loving people.
Sometimes it's hard to find those people in your immediate social surroundings, if that's the case, step "outside the box" and go find them. 
Join a fun and positive "Meetup" group or a special group in your local area that focuses on "inspiration" or on a topic that revolves around living a "big" positive life. 

Make it a priority to always come from a place a love.
Whether you are standing in the grocery line, stuck in traffic, or having a conversation with a co-worker, family member or a friend, coming from this love "state" not only affects how you feel, it affects how others feel around you too. 
How do you do that? Simply ask yourself "If I were coming from a place of love right now, how would I act?" and then do that. 

Sometimes it can simply be acknowledging another person with a big genuine smile, giving a compliment or just refraining from getting into a confrontation when you're placed in a negative situation. 

11. GO WITHIN AND GET REALLY CONNECTED TO "SOURCE" (or the God of your understanding).
Simply be still, be present and go within.
Meditation is a phenomenal way to do that.
There's no better way to elevate your vibration, feel true inner peace and get the answers, solutions and guidance you are looking for. 
AND last but not least... 

Sometimes we get so consumed by the little things or we are so focused on achieving a specific goal, that we neglect the bigger and more important things in our life.
Often, we don't realize that -- until it's too late. 
So what's important? 

RELATIONSHIPS - that is the most important "thing" in our lives. Don't neglect, ignore, or dismiss the people who mean the most to you. 

They won't always be there. 

Remember, life is short, don't find out the hard way to learn this lesson (like so many people do). 

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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This Program is powered by Topitup Media & Communication Nigeria.
All rights Reserved (c) 2018


  1. Am picking this specially...... Putting up a smile and being focused. Correct. Thanks

    1. Yes even in the worst of times, a smile on your face enlightens the whole body and keeps the bad effects of bad times away from us
      Keep smiling and always


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