Monday 27th November 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 84 Title: You Are Not A Product Of Your Circumstances But Of Your Decisions!! He was the 7th born and 5th son of the family, there were two other following him, overall they were 9 children from the same parents. Because they asked him of the Lord, his parents named him Chim. His parents were not very handy, the Father was a Motor Cycle Repairer while the Mother was a Petty Trader. They both contributed to the upbringing of their children. The first 2 girls were married before they were 20 years of age after they had finished Primary School, the other male children before Chim did not proceed further than the Primary School before they were apprenticed to various trades and handcrafts. When he got to Primary Four, Chim told his father that he would like t...
This is great. Often times we neglect our own happiness in pursuit of things that have no real value and then miss out on the chance to be happy. Life is too short to postpone our happiness, Be happy and live the life you were born to live