Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 18
Title: I Challenge You Today!
We all
want a bright future filled with productivity, successful relationships, peace,
prosperity and joy. The thing is, most of us hope for such a future, and then
wait to see what shows up. You and I must strategize to create the future we
want to live in. We must have goals that are on our mind daily because, to a
great degree, our thoughts create our future. The Bible says, "As a man
thinks in his heart, so is he." It starts with right thinking, that
translates into right actions, then we need to couple that with dogged
determination and then, and only then, does the future we want become possible.
So, don't sit idly by waiting for something good to come to you, start creating
the future you want to live in- NOW! When we stop learning we stop growing and
whatever is not growing is dying. Successful people are on a constant pursuit
of knowledge that will make them a better person. They refuse to just
"settle" or live with "good enough." Successful people stay
motivated by challenging themselves by what they have the potential of
becoming. They find a person they admire and aspire to that model. I challenge
everyone to continue your pursuit of success because you CAN reach your
God-given destiny!
Until I come your way again,
this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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