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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry-The First-Episode 14

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 14

Title:          Your Worst Bullies Are Inside Of You!!

In the High School, I was the Class Prefect from Class 1 to Class 4 (I dropped that in Class 5 to pick up the School Prefectship) and in my Class, there was a huge guy who was my class mate. He was far older than me of course and quite big for his age though. He was always making noise when the Teacher was not around and each time I asked him to stop making noise, he would threaten to deal with me after School. I was not the only one he bullied by way of words, other students both in my Class and other Classes had a taste of his bullying attitude. One day, he just decided to disturb the entire class at every small provocation, I had no other choice but to report him to the Form Master, who called him to the Staff Room and gave him 12 strokes of the cane on his buttocks. He came back to the class room fuming like concentrated sulphuric acid and threatened to kill me that day; I looked him in the eyes and called off his bluff, daring him to do his worst and true to his words, he waited for me as I was descending the staircase to go to the dormitory and started chasing me as soon as he saw me, naturally I ran but something happened, he tripped over a stone and fell flat on his face, squashing his nose in the process and bruising his face. He was bleeding from the nose when he looked up and students gathered to take him to the dispensary. I tell you from that day forwards, he became as calm as ice cold water in the Class. Why have I told this brief story? To let you know that people only bully you if you give them the permission to and that if you stand up to any bully, he is more likely to give you a space than continue in the bullying act. But do you know that your worst bully is not the one that physically bullies you, it is the one that resides in you and which slowly bullies you into submission even when your spirit is willing. You can see a Physical Bully but a Mental or Psychological Bully, you are not likely to see except you have a discerning spirit to spot it. The two most dangerous bullies that reside in us are the mindset and our thoughts. In the next two days, I shall dissect the two, so that we will be better informed but for today, if there is any physical bully right before you, call off its bluff and watch it take a step backwards.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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