Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 22
Title: Has
Your Certificate Become A Stumbling Block?
The system of education
which Nigeria inherited from the British is one that prepares the student for
life as an employee based on the certificate or paper qualification. Time was
when it worked, when Companies would go to Institutions of Higher learning to
recruit students in their penultimate year and hope that the persons would come
work for them after graduation. Then it was good to be an employee because the
pay was "good", and most of the time, the offers came with certain
attachments like car, living house and all forms of allowances. It was good
while it lasted. But then the economic depression came, Companies retrenched
most of the Staff, there was a high level of unemployment, and crime and
criminal activities became the order of the day as those without jobs found
other ways to live aside from earning "salary". Though the
educational system's curriculum is yet to be changed to train students to
become employers of labour right from day 1 but a lot of persons graduating
from Schools or rounding up their NYSC program already know that there is no
job out there and that to survive in this wild west, one simply has to hone his
or her skills, because sabificate (skills acquisition) now pays better than the
certificate. But my dear reader, are you one of those still hanging onto your
certificate to change your destiny? are you still waiting for that "decent
and well paying job?" are you still hanging out there and hoping that very
soon, that miracle to make you an employee with a good job shall happen? Sure
miracles still do happen and sure, a paid job should always be desired, but
never let your certificate be a stumbling block to you. If you can't find a job
with your certificate in the time being, then put your skills to use and if
you've got no skills, then learn some. There is no shame in using your skills
to empower yourself, infact like I always say, there is nothing shameful in
making money from any legal and legitimate means because money has no odour or
classification. It is only a means of exchange for commodities and services. I
know of persons who wanted to prove a point, that they too can acquire
certificates and so went ahead to spend four years in the Ivory Towers,
acquired the certificates, framed them and hung on the walls of their shops or
offices; but did not allow the certificate to become a stumbling block to them.
Be one of them, look your certificate in the face, thank God for the
opportunity and then go make a life because time and tide wait for no one.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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