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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 46

Friday         20th October 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 46

Title:          Every Problem Has An Expiry Date!

Yesterday I was in the company of an accomplished man. I had taken him on in discussing the problems of these times and he just said to me, Doctor, believe me when I tell you that "every problem has an expiry date". I told him that I believe him and asked him if he has had any personal experience that led him to such a conclusion? He didn't just say yes, but he proceeded to tell me an abridged story of his life, which was a story of "rags to riches" or "grass to grace" whichever you deem fit to accept. He had passed through several difficulties, struggles, challenges, and had once even given up on himself until he had a dream that brought him back to the track to make something of himself before he passes on. He had endured hardships, deprivations, lack, stark naked poverty and the irresponsibility of relatives but when that dream woke him up to see what his own future reality could be, he threw every caution to the wind and went with where his heart was going and today, he is not only an accomplished man, but he is also helping others to become accomplished. He gave me what he termed as the "The Three Pronged Recipe For Overcoming Troubles In Life" and I shall discuss that with you very soon. There are many persons going through hardships and facing problems from every direction. Sometimes these problems come in one full swing and become one too many. Many ask the question, 'Why am I going through all this?' Some even doubt that there is a God somewhere Who has allowed them to be buffeted on all sides by problems, challenges, difficulties and hardships. Their faith becomes seriously jeopardized. But I am here today to inform you (that is if you don't know it yet) or to remind you (just in case you have forgotten), No Problem lives a life time, Every Problem has an expiry date. You may not have realized it but nature had things made in pairs, and that's the only yardstick for comparisons, I mean how can we know that something is right if there is no wrong to compare it with; how can we know that something is bad if there is no good to compare it with; how can we distinguish light from darkness if there was no description accompanying both? In like manner, how can we know there are difficulties if there are no easy ways to live and do things that matter? So, problems are there to show us that we can never have it all; the problem free life is an utopia, it's like a mirage - earnestly desired  but only captured in the imagination - The problems we go through help us to be toughened in the inner man, they help to put our integrity and the will to live to test, they bring out our latent or hidden potentials we never knew we possess. It is said that necessity is the mother of invention, since problems take us to the realm of lack, we intuitively find ways to overcome them and by so doing, sometimes we beat ourselves into shape becoming far better than the old self. Problems once solved confer on us life experiences which can teach far better than any theoretical lesson taught in the Class Room and with such an experience we are able to help others passing through such problems. Are you going through life problems, troubles, challenges, difficulties, e.t.c. right now, and they are threatening to deal mercilessly with you? Take the ride, uncomfortable as it may be, but be rest assured that if you don't go killing yourself, that problem would find its level in less than no time because like I have written earlier on in this memo, "Every Problem Has An Expiry Date"

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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