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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 48

Sunday       22nd October 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 48

Title:          Stop Complaining! Stop Whining, Stop Murmuring! Stop Hissing! Stop Sighing! Just Stop!!!

Over the years, I have trained myself to just ignore complaints and unnecessary bickering which men from time to time tend to get involved with but yesterday I could not hold it back again when I met someone online who was just busy complaining about any and every thing under the sun. At a point, I sent the words of this broadcast to him - Stop Complaining!, Stop Whining!, Stop Murmuring!, Stop Hissing!, Stop Sighing!, Just Stop!! My attitude of ignoring people who complain a lot is due to the fact that I have learnt that man is simply insatiable, his greed and avarice are beyond comparison, he can allow his imagination to run wild, thus feeding his ego and making him believe that without him the world cannot move forward. I have learnt that men complain about literally everything - during the rainy season, they complain of too much rain and too much cold, during the dry season they complain of too much sun and too much heat, when they see someone who is robust and fresh, they complain in the form of compliments "you are looking too good o o o, watch it"; when they see a man who is withered, they complain in the form of concern "you have lost weight o o o, are you well?" When you don't take alcohol at all, they complain by telling you that Paul asked Timothy to take a little bit of alcohol because of his heart and then when you take alcohol to an extreme, they complain that you are a drunkard; when you do, they complain, when you don't do, they complain. Men simply cannot help themselves, we are obviously creatures of complains but we can help it. When we complain, we are simply declaring that whatever it is has gone off our radar, we declare ourselves incompetent to handle the matter at hand and all we can do is to complain so that the world can hear our voice, when we murmur, we actually make God a liar and you and I know that God is too Pure to lie; when we whine, we release those bad mood hormones that play dangerous tricks on our body cells and send us into "oxidative stress" which make us sick and sickly; when we hiss, and sigh we put the facial muscles to more strenuous work than they are supposed to be doing. Not one of these acts - complaining, whining, bickering, hissing, sighing, murmuring is in a position to transport us out of darkness and into light - no, not one. Rather, they make us lazier than we ought to be and even compound our problems the more. Knowing these things now, what manner of men ought we to be? Men who will put aside all the negative acts listed here and encourage those around them to do likewise and if they fail to listen, keep far away from them. So when next you find yourself about to complain or whine or murmur - Just Stop and bite your tongue, it will hurt you a little but it will not damage you as those acts would.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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