Monday 23rd October 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 49
Title: Why
Worry Over What You Can't Control?
amazes me how much mankind worries over things he has can't control. It does
appear that man is made to worry. When we are young we worry if we will ever
become old, and how we would look by then; when we are single we worry if we
will ever get married; when we get married we worry if we will ever have kids;
when we have kids we worry if they will ever turn out well; we worry when they
are in the primary school, we worry when they are in the secondary school, we
worry when they are in the University, we worry when they are unable to land a
good job, we worry when they get a job and have no accommodation, we worry if
they will ever marry and give us grand children. We worry when things are going
well and smooth for us; we worry when the times become dark and invisible; we
worry when we are appointed to high positions; we worry when we are not
appointed at all; we worry when the weather is hot, we worry when the weather
is cold; from the cradle to the grave we are always worrying. Most of the
times, I ask myself why all the worry? Who among us by worrying about tomorrow
has actually made tomorrow the way he wanted it? Life is a hard task Master,
time and chance happen to all and no one is ever in control of anything because
just in the twinkle of an eye, that which you hold extremely dear and thought
you were in control could be taken from you and there's absolutely nothing you
can do about it. So why worry? Life comes with no assurances, guarantees or
warranties, it comes with no manual either, it is to be lived "as is".
Do you know that worry kills more people than hard work does? and this is
because most people worry more than work. If you have a problem, be pragmatic
enough to solve it, worrying about it will never solve it. Why worry, if you've
done the best you can, worrying won't make it any better. So why worry about
things you have no control over? things you cannot change? Just let go and move
on, life isn't waiting for you. Today, drop all your worries and just make
every effort to be happy. If life serves you only lemons, remember to make
buckets of lemonade out of them.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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