Thursday 26th October 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 52
Title: You
Think You Can, You Think You Cannot, Either Way You Are Right!!
famous quote is attributed to that great mind Henry Ford, who though an
"illiterate" in his days but had to drive "literate" men to
work for him and helped him not only develop the then very popular Ford Model T
-car in 1908 but also developed the assembly line mode of production that
revolutionized the Industry and this made him a World Famous Company Head. Henry
Ford did not invent the automobile. He didn’t even invent the assembly line.
But more than any other single individual, he was responsible for transforming
the automobile from an invention of unknown utility into an innovation that
profoundly shaped the 20th century and continues to affect our lives today. Innovators
change things. They take new ideas, sometimes their own, sometimes other
people’s, and develop and promote those ideas until they become an accepted
part of daily life. Innovation requires self-confidence, a taste for taking
risks, leadership ability and a vision of what the future should be. Henry Ford
had all these characteristics, but it took him many years to develop all of
them fully. Henry Ford believed in the capacity of the mind to expand and
project itself onto the sphere of existence and that was why when his Engineers
came to him to tell him that the Ford model he wanted created was impossible,
he told them to go back to work and make it possible. Far before Napoleon Hill
wrote his world's best seller classic "Think and Grow Rich" Henry
Ford had already implemented those principles and these stood in good stead for
him and distinguished him among the men of his time as an accomplished Leader,
Innovator, Inventor and Administrator. If he were to be around today, he would
surely fit into the class of persons we refer to as "Transformational
Speakers and Opinion Moulders" The mind!, the mind!!, the mind!!!; oh how
we undervalue, underrate, underuse our minds and how shallow our thoughts have
become. If only we can put one tenth of our mind's potentials into use,
definitely our world will not be the way it is right now. When you are
confronted with one "big" problem, what do you do? cringe? run away?
or think it through and find a solution? Every solution provider is a great
thinker and only such persons can really be wealthy in the real sense of the
word! Your mind is your life, it makes or mars you, little wonder then the Good
Book says "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" You can expand
your mind by expanding your thought process, by refusing to accept a particular
answer, by questioning the answer and even questioning the question itself.
Thinking out of the box is far from rote memorization, it is the attitude that
takes one from being at the base to being at the top. If you are confronted by
a mountainous challenge and the first thought that comes to your mind is
"I can't" I tell you, no matter how many other thoughts you entertain
thereafter, that first thought would still dominate' but if your first thought
is "I can" or "this is doable", then the elements would
come to your aid and give you the tools and resources you need to bring down that
mountain and overcome the challenge. If you see a thing as impossible, then it
will always remain impossible to you, but if you see it as i'm possible, then
it will be possible, remember that every new thing is impossible to do until
someone breaks the code and then it becomes possible, why not be that someone
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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