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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 53

Friday         27th October 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 53

Title:          Stop Whining, Man Up!!

Have you ever been in the company of someone whose major stock in trade is "whining"? oh dear, you would wish to be transported out of his or her presence by an unseen private jet. The other day, I was in the company of one. I didn't even know he was to be my seat neighbour because he started his whining right from the departure hall, nothing was right, the workers were sloppy, the security men was distracted, some girls were dressed to kill and then they complain of being raped; on and on  he went. I was seated first and then came the other seat neighbour, and then the man. As soon as he sat down and fastened his seat belt, he introduced himself to me and as courtesy would demand, I also introduced myself to him; and because I was already conscious that he was the grumbling type, I set my antenna at high alert, to douse whatever he would want to talk about before it turns into a major topic for whining but was I wrong, oh yes, because he caught me off guard despite that I was on high alert, he pretended to be discussing the weather - the sunny, the high and the low e.t.c and then suddenly he veered off into the topic of Nigeria's Economic Weather lol!! He said that Nigeria is all but dead now and I was like if Nigeria is dead why are we still living in it? he asked if I have not heard of the living dead before, I said I had but that they still lived in a "living Country" he then went to town to talk on how the economy has been killed by its managers, how they have refused to diversify the economy and made it 98% dependent on oil, how oil will soon finish and then Nigeria will finish, how the Niger Delta region that is the goose laying the golden egg has suffered from severe deprivation and environmental pollution and how successive governments have played politics with cleaning up the region, you won't believe that for more than 30 minutes, his voice was still speaking, I thought to myself that the man must love hearing the sound of his voice and so when he took a breath, I quickly chipped in, "and what is your stake in all these? I asked him. then came the answer I knew was going to come; what should be my stake? I am just a citizen, I am not in Government and infact they won't even give people like us political appointments because we do not fit into their rabble rouser mode. I reminded him that citizens too have roles to play in good governance, and he was quick to answer me that those in government keep the citizens mesmerized by poverty that they hardly are able to play any roles at all and fortunately we were on the ground and I had to "escape" from his company to take a breath of fresh air. But seriously, though whining is part of human nature, I mean who would come out clean and say s/he has never whined? but does it stop at that? what are you doing about that for which you constantly and persistently whine about? It's not just enough to point out what is wrong, it's not enough to point accusing fingers, it's not enough to tell the world where the man who is working has erred, what is your contribution? if you have a superior argument, why not present it and then watch whether it can be accepted or not? The times we are in now call for seriousness. If you have nothing to do about a situation, then keep quiet, but if you have a solution, stop whining and just man it up. Be the man or woman you ought to be.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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