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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 72/Happiness Is An Inside Job

Wednesday        15th November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 72

Title:          Happiness Is An Inside Job!!

I have been in conversation with persons who say that they are unhappy with their present circumstances and think that they will be happy when the situation improves. I have met wives who think that their happiness lies in the ability of their husbands to provide for their every whim and caprice. I have met husbands who have the idea that for them to be happy with their wives, the women must be fit and trendy and so on. A man who has a beetles car says he can only be happy when he has a Mercedes S Class; the man who has Mercedes S Class says he can only be happy when he has the 2018 Edition of Range Rover; the man who has a 2017 edition of Range Rover says he can only be happy when he has a Private Jet. Same applies to the Professions - the Law Student thinks that his happiness will arrive when he becomes a SAN; the Medical Student thinks that his happiness will be at its zenith when he becomes a Specialist and is appointed a Consultant, e.t.c. and so men and women go on to be unhappy at their present posts and positions expecting to be happy when certain higher post or position is attained. Human beings are good at Postponing Happiness but unfortunately happiness cannot be postponed and this is because, it is a state that flows from within. When we allow acquisition of properties, titles, certificates e.t.c determine our state of happiness, we have missed the mark. That kind of happiness is ephemeral and unstable because man is a product of insatiable appetite. We are all ambitious (though the degrees differ) but nobody who has started climbing a ladder wants to stop until he gets to the top of that ladder (even though that is the loneliest place to be at) and so the happiness that accompanies each step of the ladder climbed is temporary and even when he sits on top of the ladder, the happiness achieved is also temporary because with time, he becomes dissatisfied and begins to seek new adventures. The happiness that makes sense and which is durable and lasting is the one that comes from the insides, the happiness that accompanies the simple thought that without life, there would be no living. The happiness that accompanies every single wake up moment and a reflection that out of the thousands that would have died over the night, we are still around. That is the type of happiness that makes better sense. If you don't yet have it, seek it, pursue it until you get it; that way, you will stop struggling for happiness and also stop postponing your happiness.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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