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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 73/Do Not Accept Defeat

Thursday    16th November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 73

Title:          We May Encounter Many Defeats, BUT We Must Not Be Defeated

My title for today's podcast is an eye lifting quote credited to Brian Tracy that wonderful World's Number 1 Motivational and Inspirational Expert. A story is told of a young boy who was hale and hearty at birth and early childhood but who was given an injection when he was taken to a health clinic with the complaint of fever and that injection turned out to be the nightmare of his life because few days after receiving the injection, his legs were unable to carry him again, he could not stand alone again, neither walk nor run. He and his parents thought that his life had come to an end. And before anyone could say Jack Robinson the muscles on his legs started diminishing in mass until they were completely withered. There was nothing the Medical Doctors and Nurses could do for him when his legs failed him. He was a vivacious and gregarious young boy before that incident, and he hated himself when he found that he would be dependent on others to move around, take his bath and all that all his life. There was no consoling him. When it was time for him to start Primary School, he just didn't want to go but his Parents persuaded him to go in the hope that he may be able to find a solution to his "paralysis". It was that hope that drove him to School and every morning his Father would put on the back seat of his bicycle and "drive" him to School and in the afternoon, he would repeat the journey to bring him back to the house. In the School, he was unable to play with the other kids, always alone in the Class Room when it was break time and play time. Then he made a friend, a girl who was willing to bring him out during break time and play with him and take him again afterwards. By the time he was through with Primary School and was to enter Junior High, someone had invented the wheel chair, and though it was expensive to procure, but his father had to procure one for him. But he still needed someone to push it around for him to be able to move around and fortunately, it was the Community High and his "girl friend" from the Primary School was also there and was always available to assist him. In his penultimate year in the Senior High, a motorized wheel chair was invented and again his Father did all he could to procure one for him, this made it easier for him to move around without anyone's assistance. But the girl was always around him. She said she had adopted him as her own "pet project". He wanted to be a sprinter and the only to do that was to get "legs". His research took him to a Company that was in the business of creating artificial legs, the Executive in charge, evaluated his "spindly legs", took his measurements and fashioned out a pair of "artificial legs" for him. The first day he walked on them, he felt like he was back to life again and then he started training to be a sprinter; he so much desired to be a world champion in 100 metres and 200 metres race. After 3 years of training, he felt he was ready to take on those with natural legs but he failed; he failed again at the 2nd attempt and at the 3rd attempt and his wife (oh by the way, he married the girl that was by his side from childhood) advised him to shift focus from dash races to distant races; so he started training for the Marathon and after one year of consistent and persistent training, he filed in for the Marathon and low and behold he beat everyone else hands down. He became the toast of the Press, the celebrity of the time and at the celebrations that marked that victory, he made that statement - "I encountered many defeats on my way to this victory but I simply refused to be defeated" Do you remember him? Tell me!!!!

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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