Friday 17th November 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 74
Title: Doubt, Fear,
Financial Stress - When Will You Say "Enough Is Enough"?
are making great efforts to make ends meet, yet the elastic limit has refused
to be reached, you work day and night, yet you are so much under financial
pressure, what you make is not enough for what you need. You stretch and stretch
and there's no hand out there to be grabbed for help, the Government says that
the Country is out of depression, but you are yet to get out of financial
depression and you continually groan under the heavy load of the stress your
financial state has put you into. When will be the breaking point? At what
point would you look yourself in the eye and say enough is enough? Your friends
have moved on, they have started other streams of income to augment their
original income, but you are stuck in that particular one income, your inherent
fear and doubt won't allow you to take a major step forward, you think that
luck belongs to others and not to you, you think that your first failure in
venturing out would repeat itself, you think that those who take risks have
enough reserve to fall back on just in case things go wrong and you don't have
such back up, you ventured into MMM just when it had reached its peak and was
about to collapse and you were severely affected and so every opportunity you
now see smells like MMM and it is like the devil and so you have to use a very
long spoon to dine with him or infact pick a 100 meters dash faster than Usain
Bolt will ever do? My friend, life is on the go, it is not waiting for you,
there is no award for being perpetually in the red, there's no recognition given to those who are under
perpetual financial stress, the state of lack and deprivation cannot be
celebrated and only you can make that change that would catapult you to the
zenith of life and living. If you have struggled to come out of the red, there
is possibly something you are not doing and that is doubting your doubts and
fearing your fears. When you give your doubts and fears the place they deserve
in your life which is the back seat, then shall you be liberated to pursue
chances and opportunities that can turn your financial stress into financial
freedom. And to do that, there must be a toad to swallow and it doesn't matter
how ugly that toad is, to turn around your financial fortunes, go swallow that
toad today right NOW.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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