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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry- The First-Episode 79/You Have A Choice

Wednesday        22nd November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 79

Title:          You Have A Choice!!

I have met a number of persons (men and women) who are suffering quietly and living the life of quiet desperation because they think and infact believe that there is no other choice to make. You have a job, but each morning when you wake up, you do not look forward to going to work, you would rather be at home and avoid the hassles of the work place, whenever you remember that you have to go to work, your heart misses a beat and you raise a little more tension than you hitherto had. It can be so easy to believe that we are trapped in a terrible job, and we cannot help the situation because it is still the best in this austere times. We struggle to be at work when our minds are somewhere else, we find no fun at our job, we take the insults meted out on us by our "Bosses" and even our co-workers, we do not want to rock the boat because if we lose our job, that might spell "Armageddon". We might tell ourselves that we cannot leave our jobs because we won’t be able to survive without it. But my friend, the truth of the matter is the survival instinct is so developed in mankind that with or without a paid job, he who wants to survive will survive. Stories abound of men and women who beat the system hands down and went on to become the best they could be outside establishment jobs; while working the establishment jobs, they were just like every other ordinary worker, moving files from one table to another, writing memos for the Big Oga upstairs to read and cancel and order for a re-write, but when they dropped that "servant-toga' and put on the apron strings of their own Boss, they excelled beyond their own imagination. The ability to make choices is Your Superpower. It really is. We literally create our reality!
No matter what is happening you always have at least two options—even if someone has a gun to your head you can decide to fight back.
Believe that you have a choice, and don’t let yourself feel that you’re stuck on the path that you’re currently on. If you need things to change in order for you to be happy then you’ve got to take that difficult step to make it happen. Happiness is not by Chance, but by CHOICE. If your reality test does not spell YOU, then you gat another chance to return back to the original DNA imprinted in you. Take a chance, make your choice.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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  1. Just described me, is it too late to quit or wait till the end of the year?


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