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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 80/Dare To Be Different

Thursday    23rd November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 80

Title:          Dare To Be Different!!

Being different in a world where everyone is expected to "behave the same way" is very exacting and yet our differences are at the core of our individuality and personality. The pressure to conform is so great that you would be seriously "OYO" (on your own) should your "friends" find out that you are a "non-conformist". The major reason behind this is the "stomach infrastructure" and the tokenism that accompanies conformity. "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" is the mantra of the conformists and woe betide thee if thou art on the other side of the divide, they would either reduce you to a relic from the past to be visited only when there is nothing at hand or they turn you into a statue standing at a public place but without life, without contribution, without emotions just as some State Governors now have the penchant for after developing their States and having excess money for which they know not what to do with. But He Who made us abhors conformity, if not why then would He have made us in our various shades? He didn't make all tall, he made some short and some even shorter than short. He didn't make us all Black, He made some Blue, some Red, some White and some Yellow and all the various shades of those colours. He didn't make us all males, He made some females even though some people are blaming Him for making them what they don't want to be (lolz). He didn't give us all the same skills and talents. He ensured that each person got a unique talent (though some people have struggled all their lives to find their talents and are yet to). He didn't give us all the same amount of wisdom, there is still some foolishness running amok among the people; and the list continues. We would all have become robots if He had made us in the exact same mold. Therefore, an exertion of individuality is necessary for the good conduct of the personality and its references. If you are segregated against because you behave differently, so long as your "differentness" is not against nature, flow with it and Providence shall give you a space to operate. In a world that is hurting, dare to be a soothing balm; in a world that is awash with poverty and disease, dare to be a lone voice crying in the wilderness to make way for the poor to turn around their poverty and for those suffering from various forms of diseases and ailments to access quality health care; the world is filled with selfishness of political leaders, dare to be the one that would do to others how you wish to be done to; today I dare you to be different!

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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