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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 85/A Victim Or A Victor?

Tuesday     28th November 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 85

Title:          A Victim or A Victor: Which Would You Rather Be?

Many a time we are confronted with life threatening situations that take the  breath away from us, how we react to them would actually be a pointer to what their outcomes would be. Since he was 12, Bomboy had been in and out of hospitals, with the same complaints - he usually would begin to feel feverish and then suddenly the fever would reach a peak and he would faint, whenever that happens and he was rushed to a nearby Hospital, the treatment would be the same, give something to bring the fever down and then observe him for a day and release him to his parents. For a while this continued; but then the frequency of the attacks increased as he got to his 17th year. Finally the Parents decided to seek other medical attention apart from the one that they had sought all these years. After the last episode at the usual hospital, they took a trip with him to the Teaching Hospital at the State Capital. Bomboy was admitted and series of tests were conducted on him. 72 hours later, with the results of all the test out, the attending Medical Doctor made a tentative diagnosis for which he needed a confirmation which can only come from outside the Teaching Hospital. So Bomboy was discharged and asked to come back in 2 weeks time. Marking time and counting the days became a daily chore of Bomboy and his parents; finally the 2 weeks came by and they were at the Hospital for the "verdict". Sitting before the Doctor in his consulting room on that fateful November morning, Bomboy felt that his life was about to come to an end because the Doctor was not as cheerful as he was the last time they were with him; however summoning enough courage Bomboy's Father asked the Doctor what their confirmatory result was. Starting with a consolatory statement, and explaining how diagnosis may not really define the Patient, the Doctor announced to the already bewildered family that Bomboy had Stage 2 Cancer. On hearing that, his mother shouted and fainted in the Doctor's consulting room and an emergency ensured. Bomboy felt like the room was spinning around him and he was just floating in it. He burst out crying when his Father had accompanied his mother and the Doctor to the Emergency Room and he was all alone in the Consulting Room. He wondered how his life was going to be now that he was diagnosed with Stage 2 Cancer. He was just 18 years of age, the age when the life of most Kids was about to start, and his was about to end. When the Doctor came back to his consulting room, Bomboy had a truck load of questions for him - how long is he expected to live? what can he do to prolong his life? what is the next thing to do after the diagnosis? can the cancer be controlled? has any person survived the cancer? and for which he got the answers. There and then, he told himself that he was going to beat the cancer. He told the Doctor that he would beat the 5 year survival rate and that he would live his life to the fullest even if that fullest was just another 5, 6 or 7 years after "now" His Parents did not have enough money to commence his Cancer treatment immediately and so Bomboy took himself to the State's Television Station and sought to see the General Manager and on seeing him, pleaded that he be given opportunity to appeal to the Conscience of residents of the State and seek their support to fund his Cancer treatment; he got the chance and while appealing on live television program, he broke down in tears, that action must have driven the residents to donate to Bomboy's Cancer Treatment Fund (as the Television Station named it) Donations poured in and not only did he have enough to last for 4 courses of the radiotherapy but he had much that enabled the Teaching Hospital to evacuate him to a Foreign Country where a more radical approach to Cancer treatment was employed to rid Bomboy of his cancer. Such radical approach really enabled Bomboy to live his life the best way he could. Because he was the only son of the Parents, when he got to 21 (3 years post diagnosis) his Father found a wife for him and made him marry her; at 23 (5 years post diagnosis) he had a set of twin boys; at 25 (7 years post diagnosis) he had a daughter. He became a celebrity of sorts as someone who was a Cancer Survivor and he was always on call whenever and where-ever there was an occasion to discuss Cancer especially during the WHO organized Cancer Survivors Day. His opening phrase at such meetings and occasions was always, "I beat cancer because I made a choice at the time of diagnosis to be a Victor and not a Victim". Bomboy was able to beat cancer because from the word go, he refused to submit to the death sentence which the diagnosis had brought; he refused to turn to self pity and consolation from family and friends; from the beginning, he told himself that he wanted to live and that he would live out his life. How about you? What do you do when you are confronted with life threatening situation like the diasgnosis of diabetes or hypertension? or the loss of your means of income? do you sit somewhere and wallow in self pity, hoping and expecting that your friends would come and commiserate with you? and do you take yourself up from your slack bed and go live your life again? Bomboy made his choice and he reaped the benefits, you can make yours too.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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