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100 Days After Commencement - Score Us Please!!

Hello Friends and Family

100 days ago, we started this podcast which we titled "Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First".

It was an answer to a burning desire inside of us to contribute to the daily conversations in the lives of all of us with the aim of making them better than before.

We have been stubbornly consistent in sending it out irrespective of the time of day, it gets out. Sometimes the Morning Vibes had been delivered in the late afternoon, sometimes in the late evening and on two occasions in the late night. This attracted attention and comments from some of you - our readers - but it was our determination not to let a day go by without publishing an episode that pushed us into delivering it no matter the time of day.

It is our 100 days of commencement and we are back to you, for a feedback on how we have performed. Where have we passed? Where have we failed? What amends do we have to make to ensure that the aim of the podcast is not derailed?

Kindly click on the link below and drop your remarks and score on the Blog Post

Your feedback will surely help us to serve you better.

Thank you for your time and your comments

Sir, Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP



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