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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 101/What Are You Investing Into Your Life?

Thursday  14th December 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 101

Title:          What Are You Investing Into Your Life?

He was very young and impressionable and had a Father who was a consummate disciplinarian which made his children to keep away from him whenever he was around. He had no time for niceties, only waiting for the opportunity to spank and he did know how to spank on bare buttocks. So Charlie was always afraid of his Father. If he was playing and his Father came in, it would be bye bye to that play. Whatever it was that he was doing while the man was away, as soon as he was back, Charlie would withdraw into his shell, because he hated to be spanked by his Father. His Father's presence always brought him to a terror state. When Charlie gained admission to the Secondary School, his Father took him to the School and handed him over to the Principal asking the latter to ensure that his boy did not misbehave in any way and to discipline him thoroughly whenever he went astray. From that day, Charlie saw his Father in the Principal and so he also dreaded the Principal. One day, the Principal sent for Charlie just to hear from him how he was doing in the School, as soon as Charlie entered the Principal's office and the man called out his name, he was terrified, thinking that he had done something wrong and the Principal was about to PUNISH him, his fright led him to pee in his pants, the Principal was shocked to hear the sound of "water (urine)" on the floor and actually saw the flow from Charlie's Knickers. He asked Charlie why he had to pee on the floor of his Office and the young boy said he was afraid that the Principal was going to punish him. The Principal asked his Secretary to clean him up and when Charlie came back to the Office, the man took him aside and told him that not every invitation to the Principal's Office was for punishment and that he had actually sent for him to know how he was faring and so he was not going to be punished. He told Charlie that Principals and Teachers are not monsters that inflict pain on their Students and told him to change his perception about them. Though Charlie didn't seem convinced by the Principal's "lecture" but he decided that there was no harm in trying to be less afraid. This decision helped him to become freer with his mates and his Teachers and even with his Father, he respected his Father but was no longer afraid of him. He grew up into a very brilliant chap who had to take a course in Psychology to be able to teach people how to handle fear. Charlie allowed the fear instilled in him by his Father have a presence in him to the point of "disgracing" himself in the Principal's office. When he overcame his fear and learnt to invest in courage, his life became renewed; he literally became "born again". Charlie's story is not particular, a lot of men and women today are still suffering from the fear and negativity that was instilled in them while they were growing up; and they have also gone ahead to invest same in their offsprings, thus raising a generation of people who suffer from panic attacks and get paralyzed when confronted with emergencies and life threatening challenges. Today is an opportunity for you to ask yourself this simple question: Are you investing negative energy and fear into your life or are you investing positive energy and courage into it?

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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