Friday 15th
December 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 102
Title: Get More
Done In Less Time!!
is said to be a "workaholic" when he is at work, he buries himself in
it, he works hard at his job, hardly having time to interact while at work, yet
he has time for his family and also to socialize. He has time to go bowling and
also play golf. We met up with him to find out what his secret is and you know
what he said: "there's no secret". He continued, "it's all about
time management and having a priority list". He said that he sets his
daily schedule in the evening of the previous day and he makes sure that he
sets the difficult tasks first with a time frame for completion and within that
time frame, he does nothing else but work at that task. He lets neither noise
nor nuisance distract him, he hardly converses with anyone - online or offline
- while he is working on the scheduled task. Soon as he is done with the first
task for the day, he takes a 5 minutes break during which time he could be
"human" again!! before proceeding to the second task for the day. He
says that by so doing, he ensures that his daily tasks are carried out during
the day and so when it is time to go home, he never misses it especially to
have dinner with the Family and have some engaging time with his kids to bond
with them, before they go to bed. He said that he never takes an office job
home because when he is home, he wants to be home and not thinking of the
office and that is why when he is in the office he maximizes his time there.
Except for emergencies, he strives to ensure that his daily schedule is
strictly adhered to. He is one man who needs to be followed in his daily
routine. Are you struggling to achieve success in any field? Are you pressured
for time? Do you sometimes wonder where the time has gone to? You may need to
follow the lead of our case study here and do like he does, that way you can
get more done in less time because we all have 24 hours given to us in one day
and what we do with that is actually up to us. Start a new timing system today.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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