Sunday 17th
December 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 104
Title: Are You
Fixing The Faults In Your Life Or Finding Fault In Other People's Lives?
other day, I sat at the left of 2 grown up Ladies who DID NOT stop talking from
when they boarded until we landed. I need to do a study on why people talk too
much (lolz) but I mean, 2 persons who apparently were not strangers to one
another and who also were not long lost friends, talking NON-STOP for more than
1 hour. It beat me, at a point I wanted to interject but I decided to mind my
own business before I incur their wrath and then my action might be
misinterpreted or misunderstood. And you know what beat me silly? They spoke of
nothing concrete, nothing to better their lives (may be they are better already
I don't know), nothing to better the society, nothing to add value to anything.
Do you know what they spent an hour plus talking about - persons they know. They
will pick one person and tear her down to shreds, why she has failed, why her
Sun has not risen, why she is as she is, why no one wants her, why she cannot
do better than she has done already; gosh!!! They were busy ex-raying the lives
of others, finding their faults and even proffering solutions even though those
concerned were not present at the meeting held on their behalf. Idle chatter,
little talk, gossip, or whatever name it is given is practiced by people with
low self esteem. Do you know that the fault you see in another is the same
exact fault that you have? Have you heard the adage that says that "a head
cutter does not allow anyone with a cutlass to go behind him" That which
you accuse and judge others for and find them guilty, you are also guilty if
not more! If you have a log of wood in your eyes, there's no way you can see
clearly in order to remove the speck in another person's eyes, so what you need
to do is to first remove the log from your own eyes, then you will see clearly
to be able to remove the spec from your neighbour's eyes. So try and mind your
own business, stop running people down, stop destroying people's characters
because you feel that they have done far better than you. Check your own
faults, deal with them first, and then go about your own business. Nobody is in
this world to live up to your own expectations, only you can live up to your
own expectations. The world would definitely be a better place to live in if we
all dealt with our faults first and foremost.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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