Sunday 24th
December 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 111
Title: You
Can Live Life On Your Own Terms You Know?
out fast paced world where living on the fast lane is the norm rather than the
exception, many of us are not living the life we really want to live. We are
dictated to by activities and events around us, achievements of our friends and
relatives, societal expectations, honours and awards bestowed on those who we
know or even don't know and all that. These lead us to go out of our way to
compete dangerously, to envy, to emulate and even to be jealous of others. This
ought not to be so. You can actually live life on your own terms. God made life
simple and easy but man has made life difficult and not only complex but very
complicated and so we try to wriggle out of our own creation with certain
difficulty. Even though it's a fast paced kind of living, you can decide to
slow down and take a breath of fresh air whenever a milestone is reached; even
though all drivers on the road are insane, driving recklessly to meet up
deadlines, you can decide to be the only sane driver on the road; even though
people are drinking all sorts of drinkables and getting drunk, you can decide
to be a teetotaler, even though people are smoking ganja and sniffing stuff,
you can decide to be the only Jew among the Gentiles; even though men are now
carrying fat all over the place with protruding tommies without babies inside,
you can decide to be the Athletic Spartan amongst the Medes. In all areas and
aspects of life and living, you can decide to be different because actually you
are. You can dictate your own terms of living, just like a man takes an oath of
office before engaging in activities associated with that office, you can also
tell life what you want out of her. But don't stop at telling life what you
want, go ahead and take it. don't allow yourself to be pushed around by the
shimmering things of the world, they are ephemeral and do not last. Take it
from me, when you live life in your own terms, you are always at peace with
yourself and those around you.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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