Saturday 30th
December 2017
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 117
Title: 2017
- Taking Stock - I
the 30th day of December 2017 and just one more day and not only will the 12th
month of the year end but so will the year. Meaning that in about the next 48
hours we shall be welcoming the birth of a new year. As is usual, everyone is
expected to take stock when the trading period is over. The trading period for
2017 is almost over and we need to do some exercise at looking at what we gave
to ourselves as we ushered it in on the 1st of January 2017 and what the score
card is on this day and the next to follow. I am a firm believer in New Year
Resolutions and a staunch supporter of all efforts geared towards ensuring
successful achievements of the resolutions. One of the resolutions I know most
people make at the beginning of a new year is on wealth and its accumulation.
Did you make it? If you did, how far so far? So many people want to change
their financial narrative, they want to be financially independent, they want
to be financially free but what many of us do not get is that there is no
freedom that has no cost. Every freedom has its price and that price is the
risk to be taken to gain the freedom. When one takes that risk and pays that
price, freedom becomes his or hers in all ramifications. Whoever wants to be
financially free must be willing to take the calculated risks necessary to
achieve that freedom. No earthly Master willingly and easily relinquishes the
services of a Slave and so if a slave wants to be free, s/he must be willing to
bend over backwards, do all that is required and necessary to gain freedom. It
is pertinent to point out that not all risks pay off even when they are so deferentially calculated that there ought not to be a miss, but when one risk
fails to achieve what it is meant to achieve, the risk taker should not give up
but count it as one way not to achieve, s/he should try again and again and
again until freedom is gained and expressly achieved. If you want wealth, you
must know that wealth is built one stream at a time. Though there are overnight
riches but if you check well, those who achieve it without building it either
came into it by inheritance or by winning at a lottery. Most people achieve
their wealth by constantly and consistently pulling out streams of income one
after the other. Did you plan to earn more this year that is about passing? Did
you save and invest? Did it yield the desired dividend? Has your wealth
portfolio gone a notch higher? Do a check and balance and then give answers to
those questions. But if you did not, it is still a new day and a good one for
that matter. 2018 is around the corner, start planning NOW.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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