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Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry The First-Episode 137/Choose Yourself

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 137

Title:          3 Critical Choices To Make In This 2018 - Choose Yourself

Yesterday, I started this series of the 3 Critical Choices To Make In This 2018 and I stated that the first one is to Choose Health

I am continuing today with the second critical choice to make this year and which might even be the most important and that is - Choose Yourself

When I first heard those words "Choose Yourself" I was like, what the heck?, where has decorum gone to? are we now expected to fry ourselves in the oil of selfishness? Ain't we supposed to be altruistic, living for the next person, the next door neighbour even if they annoy us to the high heavens? but on a deeper reflection, I found out that of a truth, if you don't choose yourself, nobody else will, if you don't do something meaningful with your life, you are not likely to be useful to yourself and when you are not useful to yourself, the chances that you'd be useful to another are 1 in 1 million.

And so what does it really mean to Choose Yourself?

Choosing yourself means, being uncomfortable in another person's skin and making great efforts to become comfortable in your own skin, that means you stop living the lie and live the truth that is your reality, you stop pretending that you are one of the Jones and be the son of your own father

Choosing yourself means being brave and bold enough to say No to toxic people and situations that make you want to vomit

Choosing Yourself means taking a hard look at those things that make you lose sleep, those things that you have cravings for, those things that you are addicted to and getting them burnt on the altar of rectitude

Choosing yourself means putting a final full stop on chasing the winds, or leaving the substance to chase shadows, being your own person and not caring a hoot whether anyone likes you or not because self like is actually the beginning of your personal emancipation from the clutches of low self esteem

Choosing yourself means taking a hard look at your personal financial economy and doing something drastic to change your financial narrative from the always red to the ever green

We live in a world where the yellow brick road has many forks and can take us on many incredible journeys.

It’s increasingly difficult to know the final destination of these journeys.

The day and age of the massive corporations that take care of us from beginning to end are over.

But that is exciting news. It means we can choose the life we want for ourselves.

You choose that life by doing the best you can right in this moment. Right now. By being bold in this moment. Right now.

There is no other moment to wait for.

Choosing yourself is often about people reinventing themselves and starting new conversation for their lives.

You can certainly can choose your own path to success without knowing the outcome.

The key is to Choosing Yourself is to be bold right in this moment.

Choose yourself right now. If you do this, not only can you not plan the impact you’re going to have, you often won’t recognize it while you’re having it.

But one thing is for sure: if you don’t make courageous choices for yourself, nobody else will.

There’s no one path.

There’s every path.

Every path starts with this one moment.

Did you choose yourself for this moment?

Can you be bold?

Then all paths will lead to the same place. Right now

In this 2018, if you must choose someone, first and foremost Choose Yourself

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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