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Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First - Episode 192/Are You Making Your Life Harder Than It Ought To Be?

Saturday                        24th March 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 192

Title:          Are You Making Your Life Harder Than It Ought To Be?

When we were young life was easier, right? 
I know sometimes it seems that way. 

But the truth is life still is easy. 
It always will be. 

The only difference is we’re older, and the older we get, the harder we make things for ourselves.
You see, when we were young we saw the world through simple, hopeful eyes.
We ate when we were hungry, drank when we were thirsty, and slept when we were tired.
As we grew older our minds became gradually disillusioned by negative external influences.
Eventually we decided we didn’t want to fall again, but rather than solving the problem that caused us to fall, we avoided it all together.
As a result, we ate comfort food and drank alcohol to numb our wounds and fill our voids.
And when it didn’t work out, we lived above our means, used lies to cover up lies, and ate and drank some more just to make ourselves feel better again.
Over the course of time, we made our lives harder and harder, and we started losing touch with who we really are and what we really need.
If you’re nodding your head, then you understand the need for getting back to that child like state, and you know deep down that you’ve gradually made your life harder than it has to be.
Here are 5 Ways You Are Making Your Life Harder Than It Ought To Be,  some common mistakes you’ve likely made in the past, and some ideas on simplifying things starting today:
1.      You let others make you feel guilty for living your life. –
2.      You always assign negative intent to people’s actions. 
Let today be the day you look for the good in people instead. 
3.      You are stuck on your mistakes.
4.      You’re letting loss devour you.
5.  You keep cutting corners and taking the easy way out. 
Your Superior Being or Silent Partner will know and your subconscious will register it and constantly remind you of it and it will end up becoming a conscience issue for you.
And of course, if you're struggling with any of this, know that you are not alone. Many of us are right there with you, working hard to feel better, think more clearly, and get our lives back on track. 

We exercised a lot of faith, we believed what we were told and accepted them as simply as we could. We knew what we wanted and we had no biases or concealed agendas. 

We liked people who smiled. 
We avoided people who frowned a lot. 

At some point we began to hesitate and question our instincts.  When a new obstacle or growing pain arose, we stumbled and fell down.  This happened several times. 

We worked late nights on purpose to avoid unresolved conflicts at home. 

We started holding grudges, playing mind games, and subtly deceiving others and ourselves to get ahead.

As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, keep living your life YOUR way. 

Sometimes we get lost in trying to live for someone else, trying to meet their expectations, and doing things just to impress them. 

Take a moment and think about it.  Are you doing things because you truly believe in them?  Remember your own goals. 

Live, do and love so that you are happy, because when it comes down to it, relationships can end in an instant, but you will live with yourself for the rest of your life. 

Another driver cut you off in traffic.  Your friend never texted you back.  Your colleague went to lunch without you.  Everyone can find a reason to be offended on a daily basis. 

So what caused you to be offended?  You assigned negative intent to these otherwise innocent actions.  You took it as a personal insult – a slap in the face. 

Don’t do this to yourself.  Don’t take things personally.  Don’t assign negative intent to the unintentional actions of others. 

It’s important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes.  We need to learn from our errors and move forward. 

Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past.  Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn’t what you get for it, but what you learn from it. 

A happy, successful life, after all, is not a life absent of problems, but one that’s been able to rise above them.  

Sometimes you have to work at happiness.  Some hurdles in life are too difficult to clear simply by adopting a positive mindset. 

Do you need to forgive someone? 
Do you need to let go of a failed relationship? 
Do you need to come to terms with the death of a loved one?  Life is full of loss. 

But, in a sense, true happiness would not be possible without it.  It helps us appreciate the good times.  It helps us grow. 

If you’re struggling to see the light, you’re not alone.  Find someone who understands and talk to them.  Reach out for support.  Don’t let loss devour you.  

Do what is right, not what is easy.  And do the right thing even if no one else will ever know.  Why?  Because YOU will know.  

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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