Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 196
Title: If You Can't Change Anything Else, This Question Will Force You To
Many people on planet earth
are impervious to change. They simply love holding on to the past, the past
hurts, the past pains, the past struggles, the past failures - they just love
bringing those past events back to life in the present and by so doing,
constantly put themselves in great pains.
It is their own self
defensive mechanism, their own way of rationalizing their present state of "inertia",
they use it to procrastinate and point out to whoever bothers to listen, how
they have made every efforts in time past and nothing ever came out of it.
Are you ready for a quick
reality check?
To a great extent, we create our fate every single day, and most of the ills we
suffer from are directly traceable to our own (controllable) attitude.
Life is packed full of
uncontrollable events; in many situations the only thing we can control is the
attitude we choose to respond with.
When you really take the time to think about it, everything happening around us
is neutral and meaningless up until the point that we give it meaning.
And the questions we ask
ourselves drive the meaning we create and the attitude we have about
Regardless of what you’re going though, it’s about choosing: Will I allow this
to upset me?
Will I choose to make this
bad or good?
Will I choose to stay or
walk away?
Will I choose to yell or
Will I choose to react or
take the time to respond?
When people come to me feeling down about a life situation they can’t control, I
typically start by reinforcing the hard truth: sometimes changing your
situation isn’t possible – or simply not possible soon enough.
You can’t get to a new job
in an instant.
You can’t make someone
else change against his or her will. And you certainly can’t erase the past.
You CAN always choose an attitude that moves you forward. And doing so will
help you change things from the inside out, and ultimately allow you to grow
beyond the struggles you can’t control.
Here's one powerful question that will support you with a positive attitude
adjustment when you need it most:
Who would you be, and what else would
you see, if you erased the thought that’s worrying you?
Honestly, worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment.
It does nothing but steal
your joy and keep you very busy doing absolutely nothing at all.
When you spend time
worrying, you’re simply using your imagination to create moments you don’t
Realize that, somewhere
within us all, there does exist a Supreme Self Who is eternally at peace.
Because inner peace does
not depend on external conditions, it’s what remains when you’ve surrendered
your ego and worries.
Peace can be found within
you at any place and at any time.
It’s always there,
patiently waiting for you to turn your attention toward it.
Peace of mind arrives the moment you come to peace with what’s on your mind.
It happens when you let go
of the need to be anywhere but where you are, physically and emotionally.
This acceptance of the way
things are creates the foundation for inner harmony.
The need for something to
be different in this moment is nothing more than a worry, and worries simply
lead you in circles.
It’s always the right time to embrace the present – just the detached awareness
and acceptance of right here, right now. Only then do you have the power to
focus on your challenges and opportunities more mindfully ... which changes
everything in the long-run!
So again, think about it: Who would you be, and what else would you see, if you
erased the thought that’s worrying you?
Identify a specific thought that’s been troubling your worried mind lately, and
then visualize how your life would be different if you removed this thought:
How would it change your
outlook on your present life situation?
Would you treat yourself
and others differently?
How would you feel?
How would you behave?
What else would you be
able to accomplish?
And of course, if you're
struggling with any of this, know that you are not alone.
Many of us are right there
with you, working hard to feel better, think more clearly, and get our lives
back on track.
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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