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Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First - Episode 224/Make This RITUAL Your Friend!!

Wednesday                            25th April 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 224

Title:          Make This RITUAL Your Friend!!

Here I go talking about rituals again  but need I remind us that our life is a mass of daily rituals, however we look at it?

Well, this one ritual I am going to discuss with you today has changed my goal setting practice in many more meaningful ways than one and would change yours too forever if you allow it.

Bur first, let me make this call now

Do you have loads of goals but struggle with achieving them ...even when you know what to do?

If following through and working on your BIG goals in small ways every day isn’t a challenge for you, then stop reading here. This podcast isn’t for you.

You can go home now, and many thanks for coming around

For the rest of us, keep reading.

Today, I’m going to share a powerful tactic that I’ve only shared before with my private coaching clients and behind the closed doors.

The truth is, just like you, I used to struggle with making consistent progress on my goals.

First and foremost, life is not easy. Especially when you plan on achieving something worthwhile.

So don't take the easy way out.

Do something extraordinary.

REMEMBER: The journey of a 1000 miles in any direction at all begins with one single step.

Whatever it is you dream about, you have to start taking small logical steps every day to make it happen.

While many of us decide at some point during the course of our lives that we want to answer “our calling”... only a few of us actually work on it.

And by working on it, I mean consistently devoting oneself to an end result, step by step.

So let's get back to the HOW.

How do we go from where we are now to where we want to be?

One of the most important things you need to do if you’re serious about your goals is this:

Create a ritual, not an arbitrary deadline.

What do I mean by that?

Let me tell you a quick story.

If you're anything like me, then you have dreams and goals in your life. In fact, there are probably many things, large and small, that you would like to accomplish in your life--and that's great.

But there is one common mistake we often make when it comes to setting these goals.

We set a deadline but never create a RITUAL to get there.

We focus on the end goal that we want to achieve and the deadline we want to do it by.

Have you ever said something like this…

"I want to lose 15 pounds by spring."

Or "I want to run a marathon in the next 12 months."

The problem with this is that if we don't magically hit the deadline by this arbitrary time frame, then we feel like a failure.

Even if we're better off than we were at the start, the end result is that we often sadly give up when we don't reach our goal by the deadline.

In my experience, a better way to approach our goals is to set a ritual to operate by rather than a high-pressured deadline to hit.

Instead of giving yourself an exact date to accomplish a particular goal by and then feeling like a failure if you don't achieve it by that exact date, you should choose a goal that is important to you and THEN set a SCHEDULE or a RITUAL to work towards it consistently.

This might not sound like a big shift, but it really is.

Let me give you a few quick examples...

Last September, I decided I wanted to do 100 consecutive push-ups in a row with really good form.

When I tried it the very first time, only got to 37 (and I was in pretty decent shape too!).

In the past, I might have set a deadline for myself like... do 100 push-ups by New Year's. But instead, I decided to create a RITUAL for my workouts.

I started doing short ten minute push-up workouts every single day.

And guess what? So far, I haven't missed a single day since.

I have no total push-up goal for any single push-up workout. The goal is simply to carry on the workout, to carry forth with the daily ten minute ritual.

This relates to my podcasting as well. I have a similar daily ritual for everything I podcast on Morning Vibes With Dr.Jerry - the First  I have no goal for any single article that I write on Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

For instance, it doesn't have to be a certain length or meet some measurement set by some deadline or arbitrary goal; I just want to create value for other people like you, to share a story or an idea that's worth remembering and that's it.

I have a daily writing ritual that makes this possible. As you likely know, I podcast every single day Sunday to Monday which I also publish on our blog every single day so I have a ritual of writing every day that gets me there.

Some days ideas flow out of my head.

Sometimes they stagger along...

Which means that sometimes the articles are long and rich in detail and sometimes... they're simply not.

Sometimes they're just simple and deliver important reminders here and there.

Either way, the articles get out into the world, into your inbox every single day without fail because of my ritual.

And as for my push-up goal, the result is that after more than 100 push-up workouts, I've made a significant amount of progress.

I haven't hit the 100 consecutive push-ups in a row yet, but I'm in the mid to upper80s right now, which is quite impressive (at least I think so!).

If you want to change part of your life in any substantial way, focus on creating a ritual that makes sense, not an arbitrary deadline.

Focus on the practice, not the result.

Do you see the difference here?

Do you see how the two examples I've given are different from most goals we set for ourselves on a regular basis?

In both cases, push-ups and writing, I made consistent progress towards my goals.

I did this not by setting an arbitrary deadline for my goal, but by sticking to a daily ritual that gets me there one single step at a time.

Productive and successful people practice the things that are important to them on a consistent basis.

It’s no accident that the best body builders are at the gym at the same time every day.

The best writers are sitting down to write at a set time every single day.

This same principle applies to the best leaders, the best entrepreneurs, the best parents, the best managers, the best musicians, the best scientists, the best bloggers, the best motivators and so forth. It's about continual practice of a craft.

The focus is on doing an action religiously every single day, or at least in intervals, and not on achieving some arbitrary goal by a certain date.

The RITUAL is your friend.

You can't predict if you'll have a stroke of genius at any given moment and write a powerful article, or paint a beautiful landscape at some specific time.

Or take an incredible photograph at just the right time.

But the ritual can make sure that you're working when that stroke of genius happens.

If you can't predict when your body feels like a new personal best record is coming along, you can actually make sure you're working out in the gym during that moment -- and that's the ritual at work.

It's about practicing the craft, not doing something grandiose all at once, or by some random deadline you're worried about hitting.

Practice, practice, practice. If you want to be the type of person who accomplishes things on a consistent basis, it's really that simple.

Give yourself to a ritual.

What rituals will you set around your goals to ensure that you are moving toward your goals in tiny ways every day?

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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