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Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First - Episode 256/What's Really Important To You?


Monday                         28th May 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 256

Title:          What's Really Important To You?

You Need To Stop Wasting Time And Energy On Any Other!

Today, Let  me share a quick, life-changing story with you and I do hope that this story will surely help you to decide what's really and truly important to you.

She was on her way to work, and because she was a bit on the late side, she decided to speed up just a little. While thinking of the venom her Boss was going to pour on her for coming late, she had a momentary loss of sight and that was when she skidded off the road and ran straight into a parked trailer. The impact was devastating. The car was a near total write off but she survived the accident; just before she lapsed into unconsciousness, all she could think of was her Family - her husband and her 9 year old son and even in that state she had the presence of mind to mutter a thank God they are not involved here with me.

In her very own words: “The happiest moment of my life is still that split-second when, as I laid crushed under a 2,000 pound car, I realized my husband and 9-year-old boy were out of the vehicle and absolutely OK.”

What a remarkable and unlikely perspective to embrace under such debilitating circumstances.

It’s sometimes the most awful moments that give us a golden chance to acknowledge what’s truly important to us. In this case, it's her husband and son.

When the Emergency Unit of the Hospital where she was rushed to reached her husband on phone and he was told that his wife had been in an accident, he feared for the worst. She was all bandaged up but in a coma when he arrived. And for the next 96 hours, it was like being in hell shuttling between the Hospital, his work place, dropping and picking their son from School (which they used to share) and generally keeping the young lad company.

Slowly but steadily, she came out of coma and became able to communicate again and for the 4 weeks she spent at the Hospital, her husband and son were always there every day to spend time with her and encourage her to heal faster.

So in the wake of the accident, her family spends far more time together now, doing simple things while she recovers—sharing stories, telling jokes, and sincerely appreciating each other’s company:

She said: “The accident made us realize how much time and energy we had been wasting every day on things that weren’t important, which prevented us from communicating and spending quality time together.”

It’s hard to think about a story like this and not ask yourself:

Where could my perspective use a healthy shift?
What do I need to stop wasting my time and energy on?
For many of us, there are plenty of opportunities to shift our focus away from meaningless distractions and adopt a healthier perspective on our present circumstances.

Perhaps it’s by stopping the endless comparison to everyone else—worrying about what they have that we don’t.

Or maybe it’s by deciding not to worry incessantly about mistakes we made in the past that we can no longer do anything about.

Or perhaps, like this accident victim, it’s to choose to stop focusing on the distractions that keep us from paying attention to the people in our lives who matter the most

Whatever it is that you are spending your energy on right now and which does not deserve such heavy expenditure should be put out of your life so that you can have enough reserves of energy to invest in the things that really matter and really important to you.

The choice as usual will always be yours and you had better make a good one.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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