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Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First - Episode 259/You're Fired!

Thursday                       31st May 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 259

Title:           You're Fired!

Let's say you just walked into your Office on a Monday morning and saw a note waiting for you on the table that your Boss wants to have a word with you.

Smelling no rat and not having done anything wrong and knowing full well that your feet are solidly planted on the grounds of the Company, you stroll to your Boss's Office and find him seated on his seat.

He lifts his eyes to meet yours and begins a long talk on how the Company was going through difficult times to the point that it was experiencing difficulty in paying Staff Salaries and all that; you are trying hard to wrap your head around his talk but finding it difficult too and then he lets out those three words that make up that dreaded sentence "You Are Fired!"

Your head begins to spin, you had to hold onto the table for stability, your world just came crumbling down, you have just lost your job due to no fault of yours.

"You're fired." Some people let the phrase get to them. Others
use it as a launching pad to superstardom.

In his book, "We're Fired...and It's the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us,"
Harvey Mackay brings us some inspirational stories of rejects

Turns out the road to fame isn't so smooth after all.

See some of them

Elvis Presley
The King got fired from a music studio in 1954. He was told,
"You ain't goin' nowhere, son. Go back and drive a truck."

Not only did Elvis go out to prove all his detractors wrong but he ruled the Music World like a real King and today thousands of Elvis impersonators sing his tunes decades after his death.

Walt Disney
Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for lack of ideas.

The Walt Disney Company, with its animated movies, theme parks, television stations and more, is now a multibillion- dollar

Joanne Kathleen (a.k.a. J.K.) Rowling
The author of the mega-popular Harry Potter books was canned
from a secretarial job after she got caught using the company
computer to write creative stories.

She used her severance pay to write Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, using grant money to finish it after she ran out of cash. The Harry Potter series became a global craze and Rowling became a billionaire.

Lance Armstrong
The French cycling team Cofidis dropped Lance Armstrong after he began treatment for testicular cancer in 1997 (with just a 50
percent chance of survival). They even refused to pay his
remaining salary or his medical bills. They gave him up for dead. Big mistake. Armstrong not only beat the cancer, but he also won a record sixth consecutive Tour de France in 2004.

Larry King
Before he ruled CNN, Larry King wrote a column for the Miami
Herald. The Herald's editor fired him for being too chummy with his subjects.

His way with people paid off, though; few
politicians or celebrities ever bypass "Larry King Live."

Burt Reynolds
"You can't act," Burt Reynolds was told when he was fired from
one of his acting jobs. He later became the No. 1 box office
draw for five consecutive years.

Steve Jobs
He co-founded Apple Computer in his garage, and then got fired from his own company.

Jobs picked up the pieces and bought a majority share in Pixar in 1986. Nine years later, he won an Oscar for Toy Story.
In 1996, he was back at Apple.

Abraham Lincoln
Abe Lincoln failed in business 1831 and again in 1833. In the
meantime, he ran for state legislator and lost. His sweetheart
died in 1835, and he had a nervous breakdown the next year. He lost the nomination to Congress in 1843, was defeated again for Congress in 1848 and 1855 and lost the vice presidency of the United States in 1856. Then he ran for Senator in 1858 and lost.

In 1860 Abe Lincoln was elected president of the United States.
The rest is history.

Never, ever, ever say never

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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  1. Always looking forward to this. Thank you

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