Saturday 30th June 2018
Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First
Hello and welcome to
#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 289
Title: Understanding The Thermic Effect Of
Are you aware that...
The foods you consume
actually trigger the metabolic process in your body and require an expenditure
of energy to digest, absorb and transport the nutrients to the proper body
This metabolic process is
called the thermic effect of food
or TEF.
The energy used to process
the food you've eaten is 5-10
per cent of your body's daily energy requirements.
The thermic effect of food
is the calorie cost of digesting and processing the nutrients you've
Thermic effect or TEF can
be defined as the "increase in
metabolic rate after ingestion of a meal."
Foods are not all created
equal...different foods process and
use energy at different rates, some have higher thermic effects
than others.
Protein has a thermic
effect upward of 5 times greater than
carbohydrates or fat. You'll easily burn 30 per cent of the calories contained
in lean-protein products just to process and digest them.
What does this mean?
Your body is hard at work
even while eating...
It means you will burn
more calories eating protein than you
will when consuming carbs or fat because your body works
harder in the digestion
Carbohydrates come in
second with the next highest
expenditure of energy to process. The thermic effect of carbs
runs between 15-20 percent
of the calories contained in those foods.
Fats come in at 2-3
percent thermic other words...they are the most easily digested and
use the least amount of calories in processing.
This equates to a 97-98
net caloric gain from fats compared to a
70 percent net caloric gain with lean protein.
Now you know how your body
uses energy to process your food intake and how that energy works to burn
Are you aware...
When it comes to
metabolism, aerobic exercise is good for burning calories while you are
performing but it is resistance training or weight training that has the long
lasting metabolic boost.
Your body's metabolism
stays in gear long after you've completed your weight work-out...
that equates to extra
calories burned...
Until I come your way
again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst
Keep it coming!!!
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