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Sunday                          24th June 2018

Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First

Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 283

Title:          If You Want To Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy - Start Doing This!!

I just read a fascinating story of a Lady who was given up on as a non-starter owing to her speech defect but who went on to not only prove the nay sayers wrong but to become an outstanding person in the Society.

Here's the story:

"One of our first course students, who graduated with a PhD last year from one of the most prestigious universities in our country, is now an executive for one of the world’s fastest growing tech companies. Throughout grade school and high school she desperately wrestled with a form of dyslexia that made reading and writing a monumental challenge. She spent kindergarten through 12th grade in language-based ESE classes. And during a parent-teacher conference when she was in 9th grade, one of her ESE teachers informed her parents that it was extremely unlikely she would ever receive a high school diploma.

So how did she do it?
How did she push herself to rise up and overcome the odds?
“A mindset shift,” she confirmed with me when I interviewed her recently.
“The mindset tools I top Mentors set me up with, and held me accountable to, changed everything! I literally learned to tell myself that the naysayers were wrong about me. And I learned to stop naysaying myself too.
I changed my mental story—my mental movie—and I started telling myself exactly what I needed to hear, every single day, to move my life forward.”

Ready to move your life forward too?

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all way of changing your “mental movie”—because, to an extent, we all have unique stories and past experiences—there are some foundational steps I often guide my readers through:

1.      Bring awareness to the story you’re telling yourself, about yourself.
— You have a story about yourself (or perhaps a series of them) that you recite to yourself daily.
This is your mental movie, and it’s a feature film that plays on repeat in your mind.
Your movie is about who you are: you have a chubby tummy, your skin is too dark, you aren’t smart, you aren’t lovable… you aren’t good enough.
Start to pay attention when your movie plays—when you feel anxiety about being who you are—because it affects everything you do.
Realize that this movie isn’t real, it isn’t true, and it isn’t you. It’s just a train of thought that can be stopped—a script that can be rewritten.

2.      Rewrite the script (edit the storyline of your mental movie).
— Your new script will replace that played-out one that keeps running in your cerebral theater.
And this time you will consciously craft it.
Start with the fact that you are a good person who is learning and working on getting better.
Then ask people who love you to tell you why you’re lovable. And ask people who respect you to tell you why they do.
Use their stories as scenes in your new movie script.
Then fill in the blanks with recent moments and outcomes in your life that you are grateful for.
Try to focus on the things you don’t celebrate enough, and the things you don’t give yourself enough credit for.

3.      Practice your new lines.
— Learn to recognize the worn-out flicker of your old movie starting up, and then stop it. Seriously!
Whenever you catch yourself reciting lines from your old script (“My arms are flabby…”), flip the script and replace those lines with lines from your new movie script.
This takes lots of practice, but it’s worth it.
Just keep practicing, and forgiving yourself for making mistakes along the way.

4.      Deflect external negativity by taking it less personally. — Various kinds of external negativity will attempt to distract you from your new script—comments from family, social media posts… lots of things people say and do.
When you sense negativity coming at you, learn to deflect it. Give it a small push back with a thought like, “That remark is not really about me, it’s about you.”
Remember that all people have emotional issues they’re dealing with (just like you), and it makes them defiant, rude, and thoughtless sometimes.
They are doing the best they can, or they’re not even aware of their issues.
In any case, you can learn not to interpret their behaviors as personal attacks, and instead see them as non-personal encounters (like a dog barking in the distance, or a bumblebee buzzing by) that you can either respond to gracefully, or not respond to at all.

On this Platform - Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First I build tiny, life-changing daily rituals with our readers that shift our mental movies and ultimately move our lives forward.

It's an active practice of taking life day by day and focusing our minds more consciously and effectively.

Until I come your way again, this is #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst

Keep it coming!!!

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