Thursday 30th November 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 87 Title: Tomorrow Is Not Promised, Live In The Now!! I have taken a look at how people postpone for tomorrow what they can do today and it really bothers me. It bothers me, not because I am not a believer in planning for tomorrow or even next tomorrow but because the thought process behind the action is that of saying that we have all the time in the world and so there's no reason to hurry. It is this thought process that has left many a man unable to fulfill their destinies and a whole number of others unable to finish the projects that they have started. The story is told of the man who was the head of the family and was expected to pass information about the family to the younger ones, but he kept pushing it forward. Each time the young ones asked for info...
This Podcast is on random musings about life and living; the main goal being to help those in search of meaning in life to find it and also to inspire and motivate others to live irrespective of the difficulties and challenges.