Sunday 31st December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 118 Title: 2017 - Taking Stock - II It's the last day of the month of December 2017 and thus the last day of the year; meaning that in the next couple of hours, we shall be saying good bye to the year 2017. The other very important aspect of our lives that needs to be looked into is health. How did you fare health-wise in 2017? How often did you visit the Hospital? How often did you visit your Pastor or Imam with the complaint of ill-health? Or if you were fortunate enough not to have come down with any ailment in 2017, are you planning to maintain the status quo? It is important for us to remember that we are what we eat because it has been found out that majority of our ailments are traceable to what we eat and drink. Because of globalization of living, temperate li...
This Podcast is on random musings about life and living; the main goal being to help those in search of meaning in life to find it and also to inspire and motivate others to live irrespective of the difficulties and challenges.