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Showing posts from December, 2017

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 118/2017 - Taking Stock - II

Sunday  31st December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 118 Title:          2017 - Taking Stock - II It's the last day of the month of December 2017 and thus the last day of the year; meaning that in the next couple of hours, we shall be saying good bye to the year 2017. The other very important aspect of our lives that needs to be looked into is health. How did you fare health-wise in 2017? How often did you visit the Hospital? How often did you visit your Pastor or Imam with the complaint of ill-health? Or if you were fortunate enough not to have come down with any ailment in 2017, are you planning to maintain the status quo? It is important for us to remember that we are what we eat because it has been found out that majority of our ailments are traceable to what we eat and drink. Because of globalization of living, temperate li...

#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 117/2017 - Taking Stock - I

Saturday  30th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 117 Title:          2017 - Taking Stock - I It's the 30th day of December 2017 and just one more day and not only will the 12th month of the year end but so will the year. Meaning that in about the next 48 hours we shall be welcoming the birth of a new year. As is usual, everyone is expected to take stock when the trading period is over. The trading period for 2017 is almost over and we need to do some exercise at looking at what we gave to ourselves as we ushered it in on the 1st of January 2017 and what the score card is on this day and the next to follow. I am a firm believer in New Year Resolutions and a staunch supporter of all efforts geared towards ensuring successful achievements of the resolutions. One of the resolutions I know most people make at the beginning of a...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry The First-Episode 116/You're Not Too Old To Be A Success

Friday  29th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 116 Title:          You're Not Too Old To Be A Success!!! Liberia's George Weah has once again proven that to succeed in life, one has to put on a coat of many colours and actually wear it. That coat should have the colour of persistence and perseverance on it, that of tenacity, that of having a purpose and a goal, that of perspiration and patience. He was a Secondary School dropout who found favour with his feet and became an International Star through Football, but then when he was done with football and wanted to contribute to his Country's development, he contested for the Nation's highest office - Liberia's President and that was when he knew that though he was very popular locally and internationally but there were certain basics that were missing in his life and for whic...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 111/Live Life On Your Own Terms

Sunday  24th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 111 Title:          You Can Live Life On Your Own Terms You Know?     In out fast paced world where living on the fast lane is the norm rather than the exception, many of us are not living the life we really want to live. We are dictated to by activities and events around us, achievements of our friends and relatives, societal expectations, honours and awards bestowed on those who we know or even don't know and all that. These lead us to go out of our way to compete dangerously, to envy, to emulate and even to be jealous of others. This ought not to be so. You can actually live life on your own terms. God made life simple and easy but man has made life difficult and not only complex but very complicated and so we try to wriggle out of our own creation with certain di...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 110/The Season Of Festivities!

Saturday  23rd December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 110 Title:          The Season Of Festivities!!! It is that time of year when there is so much celebration all over the place. The Christmas celebration, the Boxing Day celebration, the New Year celebration. It is also the time when people get killed, maimed or disabled. And these result from either over indulgence or some acts of carelessness. Most road traffic accidents that are fatal happen around this time, either because the driver had taken one too many cups of alcoholic drink and thus became "drunk on the wheel" or the car/bus/lorry being used to convey people from one point to another has some faults that were not rectified before the journey was embarked upon. Trying to catch up with making the  most money this season is also another reason that causes death on...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 109/Please Change Your Narrative, Will You?

Friday  22nd December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 108 Title:          Please Change Your Narrative, Will You? We all like stories don't we? We all like to be entertained and that is why the Entertainment Industry has received such a big boost in the last 2 decades or so. There are stories that really make us "wow" and laugh our hearts out (which is a good medicine anyways) and there are some that bring us close to tears (speaking literally). From a very long distance, I can smell a story that is meant to elicit pity and sympathy and I make great efforts to do a detour but this time, I was just caught unawares. I didn't realize that the narrative was going to make me turn the "upper lip" but it did. Just the other day, I was stuck in a long queue to get fuel for use (no thanks to the Nigerian Ministers of Petroleum) and then a...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry The First-Episode 108/Your Greatest Investment In Life Is In You

Thursday  21st December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 108 Title:          Your Greatest Investment In Life!!! On a cold winter morning, he woke up with a start, he was all alone, no wife, no child and he felt very sad. His parents had been on his neck to marry and give them grand children before they go home, but he was not in a hurry to do that because he was yet to acquire the means to take care of a Family whenever he decides to do so. Most of his mates were married with kids, but he was not fazed by that; whenever that issue was brought up with him, he would rhetorically ask, and how are they living? what is the standard and quality of their lives? and the matter would be closed there and then waiting for another bait. He decided, he wasn't just going to be another statistic in the world, another number of those who were bo...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 107/No Short Cut To The Top

Wednesday  20th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 107 Title:          There Is No Short Cut To The Top!! The Reggae Artist Peter Tosh sang a hit song in which the popular lyric was "everyone is heading to the top and none wants to be at the bottom" Soon as we are able to differentiate a from b, the sermon from all corners would be for us to work so hard, to excel and arrive at the top. This builds in us a fierce competitive spirit that we see competition in everything we are doing even in eating food!!!! (Jeez). It is this fierce competitive spirit that makes man want to cut corners to shortchange and outshine every other person in the same sphere with him. But nature will still be nature. To be at the top and maintain the position, one must be physically, mentally, spiritually, physiologically, socially, prepared to reach...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 106/You Can't Win, If You Don't Play

Tuesday  19th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 106 Title:          You Can't Win, If You Don't Play!! I like the possibility philosophy, that which says "to the man who believeth, nothing shall be impossible". Many transformational and motivational Speakers also harp on it in most of their Talks. However not all who hear these things are able to put them to use. In this generation, people still expect to become Millionaires just by fasting and prayer; many still rest all their hopes on the saliva that falls off the mouths of the Men of God that they worship and when you try to pull them back to the Source, they accuse you of being a "bad belle" person. However there are natural laws which cannot be broken no matter by who except of course the Maker of that Law and one of them is the law of sowing and reaping, which says...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry The First-Episode 105/That Old Story Has Expired

Monday  18th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 105 Title:          That Old Story Has Expired!!!! Well, looks like I have a knack for "disturbing" people and making them tell me their stories. One day soon, I shall disturb you (lolz) but seriously, you need to listen and hear people's life stories to appreciate where you are right now. And so it was that just the other day, I ran into this man who was literally boxing the air as he was walking along the road (and what a busy road it was); I instinctively felt drawn to him because growing up, I was in that habit of "boxing my existing and nonexistent  enemies into coma with a TKO". I approached him and stopped him, he willingly stopped, and I said to him "I know you have imaginary enemies, fears, obstacles, challenges and even foes (by the way what's the difference bet...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 104/Fix Your Faults First

Sunday  17th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 104 Title:          Are You Fixing The Faults In Your Life Or Finding Fault In Other People's Lives? The other day, I sat at the left of 2 grown up Ladies who DID NOT stop talking from when they boarded until we landed. I need to do a study on why people talk too much (lolz) but I mean, 2 persons who apparently were not strangers to one another and who also were not long lost friends, talking NON-STOP for more than 1 hour. It beat me, at a point I wanted to interject but I decided to mind my own business before I incur their wrath and then my action might be misinterpreted or misunderstood. And you know what beat me silly? They spoke of nothing concrete, nothing to better their lives (may be they are better already I don't know), nothing to better the society, nothing to add va...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 103/Impossible Is Still Possible

Satur day  16th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 103 Title:          The Impossible Is Still Possible!! The other day, I was in consultation with a young man who told me that he has been working at one job for the past 8 years and has made no appreciable progress. I asked him what he meant by "appreciable progress" and he said that he has neither been promoted nor had a salary increment, and that even the salary payment is inconsistent, sometimes coming as late as the next month end for the past month. To say I was shocked is beyond words, so I asked him what he was doing there? and he said he was an Office Assistant. Further interactions revealed that he picked up the job when he was out of Secondary School and didn't want to be idle, he had hoped to raise some money before furthering his education, but someone he got st...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 102/Get More Done In Less Time

Friday  15th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 102 Title:          Get More Done In Less Time!! He is said to be a "workaholic" when he is at work, he buries himself in it, he works hard at his job, hardly having time to interact while at work, yet he has time for his family and also to socialize. He has time to go bowling and also play golf. We met up with him to find out what his secret is and you know what he said: "there's no secret". He continued, "it's all about time management and having a priority list". He said that he sets his daily schedule in the evening of the previous day and he makes sure that he sets the difficult tasks first with a time frame for completion and within that time frame, he does nothing else but work at that task. He lets neither noise nor nuisance distract him, he hardly converses with anyone -...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 101/What Are You Investing Into Your Life?

Thursday  14th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 101 Title:          What Are You Investing Into Your Life? He was very young and impressionable and had a Father who was a consummate disciplinarian which made his children to keep away from him whenever he was around. He had no time for niceties, only waiting for the opportunity to spank and he did know how to spank on bare buttocks. So Charlie was always afraid of his Father. If he was playing and his Father came in, it would be bye bye to that play. Whatever it was that he was doing while the man was away, as soon as he was back, Charlie would withdraw into his shell, because he hated to be spanked by his Father. His Father's presence always brought him to a terror state. When Charlie gained admission to the Secondary School, his Father took him to the School and handed h...

100 Days After Commencement - Score Us Please!!

Hello Friends and Family 100 days ago, we started this podcast which we titled "Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First". It was an answer to a burning desire inside of us to contribute to the daily conversations in the lives of all of us with the aim of making them better than before. We have been stubbornly consistent in sending it out irrespective of the time of day, it gets out. Sometimes the Morning Vibes had been delivered in the late afternoon, sometimes in the late evening and on two occasions in the late night. This attracted attention and comments from some of you - our readers - but it was our determination not to let a day go by without publishing an episode that pushed us into delivering it no matter the time of day. It is our 100 days of commencement and we are back to you, for a feedback on how we have performed. Where have we passed? Where have we failed? What amends do we have to make to ensure that the aim of the podcast is...

Morning Vibes With Dr Jerry - The First-Episode 100/When You Know Better You Do Better

Wednesday  13th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 100 Title:          When You Know Better, You Do Better!! At some point in life, we all are guilty of berating ourselves for mistakes made in the past or even undermining our own integrity and thus wallowing in self pity. We tend to be very harsh on ourselves at times. We have this idea of who we want to be and how we want to behave towards ourselves and others on a daily basis, and whenever that behavior is not aligned with this ideal, we tend to get very critical and judgemental. This is something that happens to a lot of people. Many of us are our own worst critics and we are so hard on ourselves. We blame and criticize ourselves for things we might have done in the past, failing to realize that the past is in the past. On the other hand some of us are Master Crusaders a...

#MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 99/Making The Most Of Weakness

Tuesday  12th December 2017 Morning Vibes With Dr. Jerry - the First Hello and welcome to #MorningVibesWithDrJerryTheFirst-Episode 99 Title:          The Power Of Weakness On The Path To Success!! If you search Medium for “making the most of weakness,” do you know how many articles pop up? Two. Surprising, given the fact that most—no, all—of us are a mixed back of incredible strengths and frustrating weaknesses. But in a culture that values purity, perfection, beauty, wealth, and far too many impossible superlatives, you’d be hard-pressed to find a loud voice  confessing to personal pitfalls. I’ve long loathed the culture of celebrity that hovers around CEOs and corporate bigwigs in the U.S.—in large part because it cements the absolute untruth that these men and women are infallible. They’re not. They, like you and I, have had to overcome personal weakness and struggle to reach some measure of succ...